
Solutions in Practice
Conference Presentations (click on the links to read)
Smith, S. (2001) "Solution Focused Therapy in CPN Practice". Presentation to the CPNA Annual Training Conference, Exeter.
Smith, S. (2001) “Introducing Solution Focused Interventions in Practice". Workshop presentation to the 3rd Northern Ireland CPNA Conference, Belfast.
Smith, S. (2004) “Introduction to Solution Focused Therapy”. Workshop presentation to the MHNA Scottish Conference, Aberdeen.
Smith, S. (2005) “Using Solution-Focused Therapy Techniques with Couples and Families”. Workshop presentation to the MHNA Annual Professional Conference, Bournemouth.
Smith, S. and Hendry, A. (2007) “An evaluation of narratives; the impact of solution focused training on clinical practice and personal attitudes, expressed by students having completed an accredited training course.” Presentation to the National Mental Health Nursing Conference, Robinson College, Cambridge.
Smith, S. (2008) “An evaluation of narratives, on the impact of solution focused brief therapy training, expressed by students having completed an accredited training course”. Poster presentation to 4th Annual Nursing Initiatives Event, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen.
Smith, S. (2009) “The Impact of Solution Focused Working on Trainees”. Keynote presentation to the UKASFP Conference, Keele University, Staffordshire.
Smith, S. (2012) “Researching the practical translation of theory into practice with nurses trained in solution focused therapy.” Seminar presentation to the ENTER Conference, Stirling University, Stirling.
Smith, S. (2012) “An analysis of narratives describing the experiences of nurses who have undertaken training in solution focused therapy”. Poster presentation to European Network of Nursing in Higher Education (ENNE) 2012 Student Conference, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
Constable, M., Smith, S. (2013) “Effectiveness of Solution Focused Brief Therapy as an intervention in real-world clinical practice”. Poster presentation to Scottish Mental Health Nursing Research Conference, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
Smith, S. (2013) “Solution Focused Interactions as a Hermeneutic Endeavour.” Paper presentation to Orienting Solutions 2013: Solution-focused, enactive and narrative practice research conference, University of Hertfordshire, London.
Smith, S. (2014) "Exploring a solution focused methodology in practitioner research." Paper presentation to ENTER Conference, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
Smith, S. (2014) "On the importance of the future in solution focused interactions." Keynote presentation to the Scottish Solution Focused Network Conference, Stratheden Hospital, Fife.
Smith, S., Buchanan, G. (2016) "Utilising a solution focused recovery approach to counteract the nocebo effect in mental health nursing: initial findings from a proof of concept study." Paper presentation to ENTER Conference, Napier University, Edinburgh.
Smith, S. (2017) “A hermeneutic exploration of how mental health nurses use solution focused brief therapy in clinical practice.” Paper presentation to the 26th World Nursing Education Conference, Marriott Courtyard, Prague.
Smith, S. (2018) “Challenges of using hermeneutic phenomenology to explore nurses experiences of Solution Focused Brief Therapy”. Presentation to UCLAN/RGU Hermeneutic Phenomenology Symposium, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.