Solutions in Practice: Steve's Papers
Book & Research Reviews/ Peer Reviewed Papers / Books / Chapters (Click on the links to read)
Smith, S. (2002) “CMHNs: How do they see themselves?” Mental Health Nursing, 22 (4). 13-17
Smith, S. (2005) “The Simplicity of Dementia: A guide for family and carers (Review)” Mental Health Nursing, 25 (5). 23
Smith, S. (2005) “Dancing With Dementia: My story of living positively with dementia (Review)” Mental Health Nursing, 25 (5). 23
Smith, S. (2005) “The naked bird watcher (Review)” Mental Health Nursing, 25 (6).
Smith, S. (2005) “Walking on egg shells (Review)” Mental Health Nursing, 25 (6).
Smith, S. (2010) “A preliminary analysis of narratives on the impact of
training in solution-focused therapy expressed by students having completed a 6-month training course” Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 17. 105 – 110.
Smith, S. (2011) "Brief descriptions and reflections on recent research articles relevant to the development of SF practice and theory." InterAction: The journal of solution focus in organisations, 3 (1). 106 - 115.
Smith, S., Adam, D., Kirkpatrick, P., McRobie, G. (2011) “Using solution-focused communication to support patients.” Nursing Standard, 25 (52). 42 - 47.
Smith, S. (2011) “Research reviews” (Review of current research papers). InterAction: The journal of solutions focus in organisations, 3 (1). 106 – 115.
Smith, S., Buchanan, G. (2012) “Engaging with the Scottish Government’s Agenda on Health and Social Care.” InterAction: The journal of solution focus in organisations, 4 (2). 26 – 34.
Smith, S., Kirkpatrick, P. (2013) "Use of solution-focused brief therapy to enhance therapeutic communication in patients with COPD." Primary Health Care, 23 (10). 27 - 32.
Smith, S. (2014) “Developing Skills in Solution Focused Therapy” in Reading, S. and Webster, B. (eds) Achieving Competencies for Nursing Practice: A Handbook for Student Nurses. Open University Press, Maidenhead. Chapter 5.
Smith, S. W. (2015) "BECOMING: an analysis of narratives describing the experiences of nurses who have undertaken training in solution focused brief therapy." [PhD Thesis] Available from OpenAIR@RGU. [online]. Available from: http://openair.rgu.ac.uk
Smith, S., Macduff, C. (2017) "A thematic analysis of the experience of UK mental health nurses who have trained in Solution Focused Brief Therapy." Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 24. 105 – 113.
Smith, S., Dressel, J., Brannan, J. (2018) “The solution-focused approach”. In Lishman, J., Yuill, C., Brannan, J. and Gibson, A. (eds) Social Work: An introduction. Sage, London. Chapter 25.
Smith, S. (2018) “Recovery in Mental Health Nursing” (Review). Nursing Standard, 32 (29). 34.
Whitton, T., Buchanan, G. Smith, S. (2019) How a mindfulness intervention can affect patients’ mental wellbeing. Nursing Times [online]; 115: 7, 48-51.
Smith, S.W. (2021) Solution Focused Interactions in Nursing: Growth and Change. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne. ISBN: 978-1-5275-6346-9